How Exactly Do Giant Tower Cranes Work?

    A crane is a machine that can lift or move heavy loads to great heights with the help of few people. Because it has a vertical structure ‘tower …

    How Exactly Do Giant Tower Cranes Work?

    A crane is a machine that can lift or move heavy loads to great heights with the help of few people. Because it has a vertical structure ‘tower crane’The cranes named after them are located in the middle of the indispensable parts of the construction department.

    Firstly in shipbuildingThis system used will have been a source of inspiration for engineers working in the field of construction, as the precedent system was developed specifically for the construction sector and tower cranes emerged.

    Tower cranes are very valuable as they enable months-long construction projects to be completed faster, more confidently and at less cost.

    Tower cranes, which are used to move or relocate heavy materials in the production of a high-rise building, have an easy structure. But the delegation is difficult. Crane brought to the construction site in sections combined one by onethen it is ready for use.

    The main parts of tower cranes are:


    basic, all supporting the structure It is the most valuable part of the crane and is made of concrete poured a few weeks before the crane is assembled. The crane is fixed to this base.

    Mast (Column)

    Mast, which gives the working height of the crane truss columns expresses it. Instead of being a fixed column, it is designed to be bolted to each other and to other crane components. Concrete base and mast columns provide stability to the crane and prevent it from tipping over.

    slewing unit

    The slewing unit has a gear and motor arrangement that enables the crane to rotate.

    working arm

    Compasses Also known as It runs perpendicular to the mast and has the hook and car to lift the load.

    Machine arm (Stabilizer)

    Also known as the counter jib, this arm has counterbalances and pulleys that stabilize the crane.

    hook and car

    hook, pulling loads main load carrier is the component. The car provides real back and forth and up and down movement of the hook on the pole. These movements are made by the cables and pulleys attached to the car.

    operator station

    of the crane is the control center and is connected to the conversion unit. The operator has to climb the stairs inside the mast to reach the cabin.

    So, how are tower cranes installed?

    As we mentioned above, the crane; The piece is assembled by combining the cuts and putting them on top of each other. Let’s explain without going into technical details:

    • First of all, the crane’s standards suitable place is preparedand the crane slowly begins to be built on it.
    • The different lengths that make up the tower modulesone by one with portable crane placed on top of each otherand fixed to each other with the help of nuts.
    • After the main lines are created, the turning system, tower and cabin are fixed to the crane.
    • Before the module, called the boom or arm, is placed on the main body, the stability loads and the part where the rope is located are fixed.
    • A scale is placed on the back of the arm for balance. In this way, the arm can be simply fixed to the winch.
    • To obtain wind speed information at the highest point of the tower crane anemometeris placed.
    • To warn aircraft if the crane is set too high red lighting system is set. Final inspections are made and the crane becomes usable.

    How do tower cranes work?

    The working logic of tower cranes is in the form of a decrease in the load on the crane as the load center changes. To put it simply, we can compare tower cranes to seesaws. Stability is tried to be ensured as the weight is mounted. Therefore, another load is always placed on the other end of the crane. In other words, load stability must be ensured in order for the crane to work efficiently and not to overturn.

    What drives the crane once it’s balanced is, as anyone would argue. is engine power. The engine powers both the hydraulic and pulley system of the winch. In this way, the crane is moved in the desired form.

    We tried to get to know this system a little better without going into technical details. You can share your intentions about the issue in the comments.


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