It is said that a record increase will be made in the Motor Vehicles Tax

    As you know, all owners of cars, minibuses, buses, trucks, vans and motorcycles in our country every year. Motor Vehicles Tax they pay. It is …

    It is said that a record increase will be made in the Motor Vehicles Tax

    As you know, all owners of cars, minibuses, buses, trucks, vans and motorcycles in our country every year. Motor Vehicles Tax they pay. It is customary that this tax is increased at a certain rate every year.

    It is customary that 2023 will not be different, we expected an increase in MTV. But according to the rumors circulating The increase rate that will come to MTV will be at frightening levels. . Let’s take a look at the details of the rumor together.

    Motor Vehicle Tax is said to be increased by 60% – Ozan Bingol

    Normally, every year, an increase is made to MTV in the valuation rate. The increase rate obtained as a result of the calculations made in the light of the data for this year exactly 60%.So if the calculations are correct, you will pay 60% more MTV.

    However, with the legislative changes, the President used his authority to can change the rate . As you can see in the table, the rate applied by the President has been changed every year.

    Therefore, in the name of MTV, which will be determined for 2023, not to burn the citizens’ pockets. An attack is expected from the President . What are you thinking? Please do not forget to share your ideas with us in the comments.

    Source: On Tax

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