Invalid GTA 6 Trailer Goes Viral

    If a survey were made today and gamers were asked about the games they were waiting for the most, one of the first choices to be written in the …

    Invalid GTA 6 Trailer Goes Viral

    If a survey were made today and gamers were asked about the games they were waiting for the most, one of the first choices to be written in the survey. GTA 6 It is possible. In fact, the number one choice of many game lovers will certainly be GTA 6. However, this excitement can also cause some misunderstandings.

    Popularity of the game Of course, it also leads to a lot of bullshit news about it. On the other hand, a Twitter account, about the images and the game that he says are related to GTA 6 with the allegationssuddenly became popular on social media.

    Here is the GTA 6 fragment in the word that went viral without being noticed as ‘fake’

    GTA 6’s release date in words received tens of thousands of likes

    Kicked out of the account with the RockstarGNews2 username and GTA 6’s 2023The tweet, which implied that it would appear in .

    “I know what I’m going to do next year”

    “I’d be fine without this bullshit, my life depends on it please”



    “The only thing that can push me to buy a new game console.”

    “Don’t do that Twitter, don’t get my hopes up”

    This one using clock emoji instead of blue tick fake accountAlthough , has managed to become a worldwide agenda with his sharing, when we look at the responses, especially Spanish and Portuguese speaking South Americaseems to have attracted attention in their country.

    Although the release of GTA VI next year is the dream of many gamers, the impression we have had so far is that these expectations will be in vain. The years 2024-2025 are indicated for the release date of the game. anyway by 2023 there is not much time left. Whereas GTA VIcomposed for  Considering the anticipation and incoming demand, Rockstar made the announcement with a Twitter post, especially the game trailer. like a funny cat videoIt doesn’t make any sense to share it at an unrelated hour.

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