Apple Watch discovers rare cancer in children in 12-year-old girl

    According to the information given by the girl’s mother, the smart watch that beeping nonstop because Imani’s heart was beating so fast had …

    Apple Watch discovers rare cancer in children in 12-year-old girl
    According to the information given by the girl’s mother, the smart watch that beeping nonstop because Imani’s heart was beating so fast had never made such a sound before. The girl’s mother immediately went to the hospital with her daughter.


    Apple Watch detects appendix cancer

    It turned out that Imani, who was quickly treated by the doctors, was suffering from the problem of appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix). The cause of this inflammation is the formation of a neuroendocrine tumor in the area of ​​​​the appendix.

    This cancer, which originates from a small organ with a length of about 10 millimeters, located next to the colon called the appendix, can kill the patient if the patient is not treated in time.

    The appendix cancer had spread throughout the girl’s body when the doctors discovered the tumor in Imani. In this context, it has become a necessity for the 12-year-old girl to have an operation.

    The girl’s mother ended her words on this subject with the following sentences: ” If the Apple Watch hadn’t been making noise all the time, I could have taken my daughter to the hospital in a few days. If my child had not had that watch on his wrist, everything would have been much worse.

    Imani’s surgery was successfully completed. The little girl is resting now.


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