From the Chinese, analysis for Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites: Nuclear bomb

    this year Mayin the month of China academicaround the global Starlink satellite networkabout the threat posed by discussions had appeared …

    From the Chinese, analysis for Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites: Nuclear bomb
    this year Mayin the month of China academicaround the global Starlink satellite networkabout the threat posed by discussions had appeared. Today Elon MuskNow Starlink focused on the militarydoesn’t hide and that’s the concerns of the Chinese it deepens. Another issue is, friendly spacecraft.thousands of satellites without threatening to destroy not an easy analysis. But the Chinese are solutionfound: nuclear bomb.

    the past day PLAphysical scientists, China’s peer-reviewed science journal Nuclear Techniquesin orbiting satellites out of ordercreated to calculate the release model relatedan important article they published . Your model is very sensitiveand the calculations minutesthereby allowing it to be done in hypersonic attackEven the threats disposalmade possible to it is said.

    A 10-megaton nuclear bomb could destroy Starlink

    The proposed analysis relativelyweak 10 megatonsa nuclear warhead at a certain altitudein a relatively controlled state blowing up . warhead directly. detonation in orbitconsidered dangerous because, firstly, degradation productsoccurs in a limited volume, which necessary devastating effectdoes not create, and secondly, radioactiveparticles of the earth magnetic fieldwill be caught by all spacecraftthreatening to a high degree a radioactive generationwill create.

    One in orbit warheadinstead of blowing up atmospheric gas moleculesstill be involved in the formation of a radioactive cloud. enough airlocated 80 kman explosion at height being recommended . A cloud of this kind in five minutes 500 km altitudeout and about 140,000 km2It will spread over an area of ​​. during the passagepartially or wholly damaged for satellitesa medicine trap will become. Thus, a single warheadin an orbit with hundreds and thousands of satellitesdisable and to friendly devicesTo prevent damage possiblewill be.

    by USA Hawaiiin the west of Johnston Atollon high altitude nuclear testswas being done. Chinesethan the physicists, the model they propose in the 1950s and 1960sbehavior of the radioactive cloud in tests completelyimitates.

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