Microsoft releases PC Manager app similar to CCleaner

    Microsoftdesigned to improve computer performance PC Manager launched the application. New application, recognized program of this medicine …

    Microsoft releases PC Manager app similar to CCleaner
    Microsoftdesigned to improve computer performance PC Manager launched the application. New application, recognized program of this medicine CCleanerit works like.

    Access many settings from one app

    PC Managerusers with computer storagemanaging the field, processes in a fast form terminationand Windows at the beginningwhich apps to launch checking have the opportunity. Rarely used programs you can remove . PC Manager also default browserIt also makes it easy to change.

    These featuresmany already available on Windows, but the advantage of PC Manager access all in one place to provide. of PC Manager Open to everyonebeta version From Microsoft’s official website you can download. app Windows 10and for computers running higher that it was designedLet’s not go without mentioning it.

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