New icons for Android, iOS and internet browsers came from Twitter

    In an announcement made by this platform, which has been serving for 16 years, it was announced that the icons now have thicker lines …

    New icons for Android, iOS and internet browsers came from Twitter
    In an announcement made by this platform, which has been serving for 16 years, it was announced that the icons now have thicker lines. Twitter wants to create a set of icons that fit together and create a stylish unity while creating this set.


    Twitter icons have been renewed! Here are the new icons

    When you take a look at the icons in this image ” beforeThe old icons on the right side of ” ” afterIt seems that the icons on the right side of ” are new.

    Some people do not think that this update is meaningful. Because many users want an edit button to change the content of the messages they publish. Twitter listened to this request years later, but for now, only those who purchased the Twitter Blue service can use this feature.

    While creating new icons, Twitter’s design team aims for these icons to be stylish tools that can appeal to everyone, can be used in many places, can be sure to be original, stand out with their simplicity and reflect people’s feelings.

    Twitter’s spokesperson, Shaokyi AMDO, did not say when this new update will be released. From this point of view, it is not clear when iOS, Android and desktop / laptop users will get new icons.
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