The Ministry of Commerce announced the new regulation for phones brought from abroad.

    Due to the high taxes in our country, phone prices are at their peak. Consumers prefer to buy from abroad in order to buy phones at a more …

    The Ministry of Commerce announced the new regulation for phones brought from abroad.

    Due to the high taxes in our country, phone prices are at their peak. Consumers prefer to buy from abroad in order to buy phones at a more affordable price. In order to prevent this situation, the Ministry of Commerce announced a new regulation for phones brought with passengers from abroad.

    “Right to bring duty-free telephone” will be audited

    With respect to passenger exemptions one phone in three calendar years It can be brought to Turkey without customs duty. The Department of Commerce is switching to the new system to prevent travelers from bringing more than one phone in three years. Customs Protection Officers, from inquiry screensBy checking the BTK information, it will be able to see when a person brought a duty-free phone for the last time.

    The application in question November 1, 2022 will be realized with its historical prestige. From this date, it will be checked whether the passengers have the right to bring a telephone. Customs tax will be collected from individuals who are found to have brought more than one phone in three years.

    Description of the Ministry of Commerce:

    “According to the Decision of the Council of Ministers regarding exemptions for goods brought with passengers from abroad, within the scope of individual goods exemption, passengers coming to our country from abroad can bring a mobile phone exempt from customs duties in three calendar years.

    Within the scope of the regulation introduced on May 30, 2019, the period was extended from 2 (two) calendar years to 3 (three) calendar years, and “the condition of using lines registered to the passenger’s identity number” was added for phones brought from abroad.

    Within the scope of the said application, a valuable regulation is being implemented under the coordination of the Ministry of Commerce, General Directorate of Customs Protection, in order to enable the technical tracking of the exemption limit for mobile phones with passengers (1 in three calendar years). Within the scope of the technical work carried out within the scope of the Ministry of Commerce and the Information Technologies and Liaison Authority, The number of mobile phones that passengers brought over a three-year period will be tracked.and passengers will be prevented from bringing more than one phone in 3 years beyond their exemption rights.

    Thanks to the inquiry screen created with the data network transferred by the Information Technologies and Connection Authority, the necessary inspection and control processes will be carried out by the Customs Protection Officers in charge of our customs areas upon entry to the country.

    The said application will be implemented with the prestige of November 1, 2022. Thus, it will be ensured that the mobile phones brought with the passengers will be tracked and the abuse of individual exemptions will be prevented.


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