What are Nonmetals, What are their Properties?
Almost all of us are familiar with metals. They conduct heat and electricity, but they are also the opposite of metals. nonmetals exists …

Almost all of us are familiar with metals. They conduct heat and electricity, but they are also the opposite of metals. nonmetals exists. Nonmetals have quite different properties than metals and have almost nothing in common. Although nonmetals are quite sensitive and have different properties, their properties vary according to the carbon atom in them.
Nonmetals are also used in areas we never thought possible. Especially in the field of purity, many of the purity materials we use contain nonmetals. If you use sink cleaners, we can say that nonmetals help you a lot during the day. If you wish, without further ado, What are nonmetals, how are they structured, where are they used?Let’s answer questions like:
First, what are Nonmetals?
Compared to nonmetals, metals and semi-metals, different they have a structure. If we are to summarize nonmetals, we can say clearly and unequivocally that “elements that do not contain any metal properties”. Because they do not pass heat and electricity like metal, they do not fulfill the task of a random current. Although nonmetals are the opposite of metals, they have a wide range of uses. When we look at the periodic table, only 11 of the 118 elements in total have a nonmetal structure. Nonmetals occupy very little space on the periodic table. However, when we look at nature, they can be found in a very large proportion, although their number is small.
For example, living things in our world need nonmetals in order to carry out their vital activities. Because a large part of our water and air nonmetalsborne by.
What are the properties of nonmetals?
- Nonmetals have a highly brittle structure.
- Nonmetals have a matte structure.
- They can make physical changes according to the room conditions they are in.
- It does not conduct electric current at all, but provides heat conduction at a very low level.
- and – can form charged ions.
- Looking at their last layer, they definitely contain H (1), 4, 5, 6, 7 electrons.
- They appear in nature in an atomic and therefore molecular form.
- Melting and boiling points are lower than metal elements.
- They can quickly form compounds with metals or other nonmetals.
What is the structure of nonmetals?
- Nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen can exist in gaseous form
- The element bromine can be found in liquid form.
- Iodine, carbon and sulfur elements can be found in solid form.
nonmetals may vary according to the temperature of the environment in which they are located. For example, nitrogen, chlorine, hydrogen, and oxygen are gaseous at room temperature. Bromine is known as a liquid nonmetal. Elements such as phosphorus and sulfur are solid at room temperature. To summarize briefly, nonmetals can vary according to the temperature of the room they are in.
Where are nonmetals used?
- In industrial products
- In neon lighting
- in detergents
- Cleaning swimming pools
- In making Hydrochloric Acid
- In disinfectant production
- Cleaning of drinking water
- In weed removal operations
- In making salt spirit
Generally speaking, nonmetals in the clearing area We can say that it is used in a very common form. However, nonmetals are also included in neon lighting. So, nonmetals come in quite handy in your daily life, even if you don’t really know what they are. For example, in the time of the pandemic, we need it most. of disinfectants It even contained nonmetals. However, we see that nonmetals are used again in industrial works, which is a very large area. If you often use swimming pools and enjoy swimming, nonmetals are useful again. Because chlorine is generally used in cleaning pools. When we look at the periodic table, we see that the chlorine element has a nonmetal structure. However, not only swimming, but also in the cleaning stages of our drinking water, a great place is given to non-metals.
Do nonmetals shine?
This question is actually very curious. There is some information that nonmetals are shiny. Unfortunately, nonmetals have a shiny structure. they are not . Unfortunately, it is not possible to bring them to a shiny structure. In fact, this is another feature that distinguishes them from metals. Metals are shiny. However, they can reflect light quickly. If we make a general summary, metals have a shiny structure because they can reflect light and heat quickly, and nonmetals have a matte structure because they cannot reflect heat and light.
Are nonmetals insulators?
Yes, nonmetals are highly insulating. They do not conduct heat and electricity . They can only transmit graphite to a very small extent. Other than that, they do not transmit in a random form. Nonmetals refract or transmit light directly due to their structure. When we examine all nonmetals, we can see that they can be found in nature in a colored or colorless form. As with all their other properties, these properties set them apart from metals. Because metals can quickly conduct heat and electricity. Metals are conductive, while nonmetals are completely insulating.
In which cluster are nonmetals found?
Let’s come to the position of nonmetals in the periodic table. There are 8 A and 8 B clusters in the periodic table. Some of them are nonmetal, while others are metal. Clusters 1A, 2A, and 3A in the periodic table include metals. Of course, hydrogen is not included in them. If we look at nonmetals 4A, 5A, 6A and 7A available in groups. You can quickly separate metals and nonmetals by marking the top clusters on the periodic table.
What are nonmetal elements?
- Iodine (F)
- Chlorine (Cl)
- nitrogen (N)
- Argon (Ar)
- Helium (He)
- Oxygen (O)
- Bromine (Br)
- Carbon (C)
- Sulfur (S)
- Phosphorus (P)
- Selenium (Se)
- Fluorine (F)
A total of 13 elements in the periodic table have a nonmetallic structure. If you can’t find the nonmetals by cluttering them, you can quickly track down those elements. nonmetals You can separate. When separating elements in the periodic table, be sure to follow a true order. Otherwise, you may produce erroneous results.
For you what are nonmetals, how are they structured, what are theyand where to use We answered frequently asked questions such as: We use nonmetals in many areas in our daily life. You may be working with nonmetals every day, especially if you are a frequent cleaner. Nonmetals take up quite a bit of space in our periodic table, although they may seem scarce. What do you guys think about nonmetals? Don’t forget to share with us.