Low customer interest may have stopped Apple from producing iPhone 14 Plus

    To see if there’s enough demand for Apple. iPhone 14 Plus reportedly stopped production. Unlike the iPhone 12 and iPhone 13, which were released …

    Low customer interest may have stopped Apple from producing iPhone 14 Plus

    To see if there’s enough demand for Apple. iPhone 14 Plus reportedly stopped production.

    Unlike the iPhone 12 and iPhone 13, which were released with the smaller iPhone 12 Small and iPhone 13 Small, Apple decided that the larger options for the iPhone 14 series were better, and next to the standard model. He chose to launch the iPhone 14 Plus.This major version of the new iPhone lineup doesn’t have all the features of the iPhone 14 Pro, but it does catch up with the Pro Max with a more budget-friendly upgrade and screen size compared to the base model.

    Still, as reported by The Information, production of the iPhone 14 Plus appears to have been discontinued by Apple despite being on sale for less than two weeks, and the option may not be as popular with customers as the company thinks.

    While Apple has reportedly told a Chinese manufacturer to cease production of iPhone 14 Plus components, the two plants that assemble iPhone 14 Plus components are respectively produced. Said to reduce by 70% and 90% . Reportedly, Apple chose to pause production while reevaluating demand for the phone.

    The reason for this pause (or whether it actually happened) is unclear at this time. However, it can be thought that the low interest in general pushed Apple down this path. Since the standard iPhone 14 model has a large enough screen, this screen growth may not seem to be worth the price increase. Also, the smoother specs of the iPhone 14 Pro and the release date a week later than the standard, Pro and Max options probably didn’t help the Plus much.


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